1. Impatience. Looking for a partner requires patience.  It is better for you to remain a single than to rush into a relationship that is unhealthy. It takes patience to pray, search, and wait when looking for a partner. Impatience leads people to make hasty decisions and regret later.

2. Every dating or premarital relationship may not be your passport to marriage kingdom. The fact that you love each other or you have known yourselves for a long time does not mean marriage is automatic. Janice Moss, in her article, “Five Mistakes Women Make That Keep Them Single Longer,” wrote: “Each relationship has a reason, season and a lesson attached to it. Some relationships come to teach you things you need to know before you find “the one.” Then, of course, there are those that help you identify what you want and don’t want in a relationship. Still others allow you to work out your childhood dysfunction. And, thankfully, there is a smaller subset of lasting and “till death do you part” relationships sealed by a lifetime commitment and marriage. Before you offer your heart to someone, analyze the relationship and determine what type of relationship it is.” It is a mistake to think that every relationship has to lead to marriage. It doesn’t work that way. It’s heartbreaking if you think it has to work by all means and it turns upside down.

3. All that glitters is not gold. You have heard that saying before. Not all people who appear so nice or appeal to our eyes turn to be a blessing to us. People are quick to judge a book by its cover. Are you looking for the shiny, the gold, the glamorous, and the superficial things? In relationship, money, fame, power, royal birth, and beauty do not bring happiness. But a lot of people seeking for partners are influenced by the external features. Taisen Deshimaru made this observation: “What some females don't understand is that none of the things that they want has anything with love or how that person will treat you. You could find a man that looks perfect, has a house and car, he can be a college graduate with a good job, and you could still end up being with a person that doesn't truly love you, and will treat you like shit. What I am trying to say is that the person who could treat you good and really love you could already be in your life, but you could have been blinded by the things you want in a man so you overlooked the person that you were really looking for. And by the way there are men that do the same thing; I just wanted to be clear on that.” Look beyond the physical features. Some of the features are there for a season, marriage is a life-long journey. “Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks, shall win my love.”-Washington Irving.
(To be continued in my next post)

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#RelationshipEducator @facebook.com


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